How To Easily Assemble A Movie Collection And Save Cash Too

By Burt Puckett

The rising costs of premium cable movies and DVD rentals are forcing people to look for alternatives to watching their favorite movies. The escalating cost of movies does not have to keep you from enjoying a rich entertaining experience. There a plenty of new companies on the internet that will let you download movies to your computer.

Each month new companies are springing up to help offset the rising cost of digital movie entertainment. They are meeting the challenge by helping consumers save money and still access a wide variety of quality movies. Some sites are free while others require a small monthly fee.

Depending on your needs either of the two may suffice. Free movie sites have a wide range of documentaries ranging from military and political events in history to documentaries done by special interest groups. Paid movie sites offer premium movies such as action, adventure, drama, horror and more.

The biggest consideration you will have to face before joining is the size of your computer. You should have a hard drive capable of storing large movie files. A typical movie can take as much as 1.2 to 1.5 gigabytes of space. Most computers are well able to handle smaller movie files.

Typically, larger movie files will have better quality and therefore will take longer to download. Each download can take up to 30 minutes or more. This is one of the reasons some people choose to download their movies overnight or during times when they are busy with other things. Once the download is complete, the movie can be watched on the computer.

Some people choose the option to watch streaming movies through an internet connection. While this may save space on your hard drive, it requires a fast internet connection to transfer the movie bytes. Most DSL cable modems of high speed internet services are more than sufficient.

Additionally, some type of software will be required to watch streaming movies on your computer. Most computers have basic software preinstalled such as Windows Media Player. Other free programs include RealPlayer which can be downloaded for free. With either program, be sure to exit any other programs before you start playing the movie for better quality.

Now that you computer meets the minimum requirements, there is nothing holding you back. You can start enjoying a large selection of searchable movie downloads by taking advantage of one of the free services online or by becoming a premium member. Once the movies are downloaded you can watch them at any time of the day. - 30542

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